
Adhering to Mobile Phone Usage Rules Outdoors

Basic Mission

Quest Quiz

What should be kept in mind when using a mobile phone in public transport?

In public transport such as trains and buses, it’s best to avoid using your mobile phone. Especially avoid making calls; if necessary, step off the vehicle or make the call in a less crowded area for a brief duration.

What is the etiquette for using a mobile phone in cafes and restaurants?

In cafes and restaurants, it’s polite to refrain from using your mobile phone. If you receive a call, it’s advisable to step outside to avoid disturbing other customers.

What are the considerations for using a mobile phone while walking?

Using a mobile phone while walking can decrease your attention to the surroundings and is dangerous. It’s also inconsiderate to other pedestrians. It’s recommended to stop walking to use your phone or avoid using it altogether.


  • Refrain from using mobile phones in public transport.
  • In cafes and restaurants, avoid calls and step outside if needed.
  • Avoid using mobile phones while walking.
  • Using a mobile phone while driving is legally prohibited.
  • Always consider others and prioritize safety.

When using a mobile phone outdoors, it’s necessary to observe public manners and safety considerations. Especially in public transport and eateries, one should be mindful of not disturbing others and staying safe.

Following these rules helps maintain a comfortable and safe social environment and shows consideration for others. It’s important to keep these manners in mind when using mobile phones outdoors.

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