
Earthquake Preparedness in Home Interiors

Basic Mission

Quest Quiz

What are the essential steps to secure furniture and appliances against earthquakes?

Anchor heavy furniture and appliances to walls. Use flexible straps for tall or unstable items. Secure cabinet doors with latches to prevent contents from spilling out.

How can one create a safe space in the home in case of an earthquake?

Identify a spot away from windows and heavy objects that might fall. This could be under a sturdy table or in an interior hallway. Keep this area clear of clutter.

What should be included in an emergency supplies kit for earthquakes?

Include water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, a first-aid kit, medications, a whistle, and copies of important documents.


  • Anchor heavy furniture and appliances to walls.
  • Designate a safe space away from potential hazards.
  • Prepare an emergency supplies kit with essential items.
  • Secure cabinet doors with safety latches.
  • Keep the designated safe area free of clutter.

This mission guides you through the process of making your home interior earthquake-ready. It covers securing furniture and appliances, creating a safe space, and preparing an emergency kit to ensure safety and readiness in the event of an earthquake.

Successfully completing this mission ensures that your home is better prepared for an earthquake. By taking these steps, you create a safer living environment that can help protect you and your family during seismic events.