
Following Garbage Disposal Rules

Basic Mission

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How should garbage be separated in Japan?

In Japan, garbage is classified into burnable, non-burnable, and recyclable waste. For example, paper and kitchen waste are burnable, while plastics and metals are non-burnable. PET bottles, cans, and glass bottles are considered recyclable.

When are the garbage collection days?

Garbage collection days vary by region. Typically, garbage is collected on specific days of the week. For instance, burnable waste may be collected on Mondays and Thursdays, and recyclables on Wednesdays, according to local municipal rules.

What are the manners for disposing of garbage?

Garbage should be put in designated bags and disposed of within the specified time. Avoid putting it out too early or the night before to prevent disturbance from animals. Large waste items require prior application for collection.


  • Separate garbage into burnable, non-burnable, and recyclable.
  • Collection days vary by region.
  • Use designated garbage bags.
  • Dispose of garbage within the specified time.
  • Large waste requires prior application.

In Japan, strict rules govern garbage disposal, and it’s important to segregate waste such as ‘burnable’ and ‘non-burnable’ at home. Collecting PET bottles and cans separately aids in recycling and reduces the effort of garbage disposal. Cleaning and drying food trays and plastic packaging allow for trouble-free recycling.

Adhering to garbage separation and disposal rules contributes to the beautification of the area and maintains a livable environment. Learning proper garbage disposal methods is also an essential part of adapting to life in Japan.

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